Friday, October 6, 2017


Well, as many of us, I would like to have a job, where I may be able to improve habilities, techniques, and of course get proffessional experience related with the career of Bioquemistry. My dream would be to work for some years on investigation about anything, maybe related with solutions for some illness the cancer. However, after some years working on that, I would like to work teaching more than investigating.
Resultado de imagen para quimicos trabajando dibujos
In summary, I would like laboratory work (indoors), althoug I would like to spend some time working outside.Another important aspect, would be the salary, I imagine myself working because I like what I am doing, not just because of the money. Money is important, but it does not give you the happiness, the only way to be happy, is by doing stuff you like and want to do.Something I would like to do is to have the possibility to work in team, what is really difficult nowadays, but it allows you to improve your skills, and also most of times makes the work funnier and easier.At the moment I am very happy and calm about what I am studying (major in Bioquemistry), and in some years probably I will be taken a master´s degree, related to the development of solutions to some disease.


  1. Working in a team definitely boosts us a lot as people, it applies a lot among pharmaceutical professionals.

  2. nice post!i am so agree with you,you have to work on something that you like

  3. we are going to be colleagues someday!!
