Friday, November 10, 2017


If you ask me, English should be something very important for most of students, because it is the way we can get communication with everybody around the world. Also, most of the information is in English, for example; manuals, video games, YouTube tutorials, science papers, among others; so there you have plenty of reasons why English should be a must.
Now if we talk about university, you have to be able to speak and understand correctly this idiom, because it will allow you get advanced, and be a better professional by an international exchange, for example.

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In my case, since I was a kid, English was something that did not have much importance to me, however, when I was sixteen I wanted to watch a new TV program through the internet, the only problem was that this show was just in English. In that moment I felt really bad because I could not believe I could not be able to understand an elementary TV program. So, I decided to take a one year English Course at Tronwell, where I could improve a lot my English skills.

At University, English has not been a problem, because of what I said before, and by taking this class I am practising what I learned some years ago, what is really important, because if you do not practice your English skills, you may forget everything!

The use of blogs, in my opinion, is the best idea I have ever seen till this time because it integrates everything, all the skills because you have to read, write and THINK, something we sometimes forget.

Outside the class, I try to apply what I learn in elementary things like songs, TV shows or even the METRO advises, nowadays you may found English everywhere and every time, so the mission is to get it and apply it! 

Friday, November 3, 2017


Since I was at school, I have thought that there are some subjects that are really unnecessary for the academic program, and also that those kind of things make you lost really important time in your life. In my case, I am studying Bioquemistry here at Universidad de Chile, and I am just at the Second Semester I can say something about my curricular program, though. At First Semester, I had to  take a subject called “Reasoning and Scientific Communication”, where everyone who were just beginning the career, could have the possibility of know a bit more about the career, the kind of job you could apply as a Bioquemical Scientific. In general the subject has a really good effect in the students, because it let them realize if Bioquemistry was their real dreamed career. The problem with this subject happened when we were at the middle of the semester, when it came to be a really boring class, where most of the people was doing anything else than paying attention. In cases like those, I think that is really necessary to change the program of that subject, something more interactive than a class where the teacher talks during three hours, about things that maybe are not  known  by students, because it is their first semester at the career!
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Now, talking about faculty facilities, I would say that in our case, we have plenty of them, but maybe it should be in better conditions, I mean that we could have labs with tables in good conditions, good energy sources, and of course as a Chemical School of the University at least we should be full of every substance necessary for the correct development in chemical sciences.

Finally talking about teaching methods I would say that most of teachers (not all) has a really good develop in class, and of course, that is the most important thing, good teachers, make good professionals.