Friday, September 1, 2017

My last Holiday

Last February, I decided to go on holiday with five friends to "Pucón", a town located in the "Región de la Araucanía". We decided to stay there for a week, with the main objective to have a good rest before getting back to University. Well, once we got there, the first thing we did, was make a schedule, so that we were able to enjoy every moment during each day we stayed there. 
Imagen relacionada
Pucón, Chile
The first activity we did, was something really important for us: have some food. So we went to a restaurant, where each of us had a big piece of pizza. There, there was also a "mini-golf", where we were able to have a really good time, and of course have a lot of fun.

Another day we decided to go to "Lake Caburga", where we could swim all afternoon, until we were so tired that, we just had time to sleep.
During most of days we went to the beach at Pucón, where we swam and sunbathe, so as you would think, we came back really dark-skinned to Santiago.
When the last day came, we decided to do something to remember that day for a long time, so we went to "Termas Trankura", where we were able to enjoy the warm water from the nature, and of course prepare ourselves to the long trip we were going to have to Santiago by bus.
Finally we went to an elegant Restaurant, to close the best holiday trip ever.     
Why I consider it was the best holiday?, Well,besides all the interesting activities we did during those days, I would say because I had a really good time with all my friends, and I think that is the most important thing. 


  1. Pucón is an amazing place to relax with friends, such a good trip!

  2. is magical to share time with your friends a few days... It fills the soul

  3. I like Pucón,Nice place to visit! regards!

  4. Pucón is a great place to relax, and a really beautiful place to visit.

  5. Pucon is a wonderful place, i love it. and its also near my home town

  6. lake caburga is so beautiful and the landscapes around too

  7. Pucon it's so beautiful, I want to go!
