Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Old and New Hobbies

Life is really difficult, most of us have a daily routine, where we have to get up early, go to university/work/school, and of course, you have to do lots of things during a whole day, during a whole week, during a whole year, during a whole life, so maybe, we should do something different to keep our mind healthy: that is have a hobbie.
Resultado de imagen para icaritoIn my case, I would say that I am a full time hobbie-man, because since I was a child I have been someone who gets bored easily, so I had to look for many things to do during my childhood. For example, my first Hobbie was related with art, I used to paint  little rocks with shape of bugs and when they were ready, I put them on my garden, so it looked really cool. Another hobbie I had, was related with magazines, I used to buy the ICARITO magazine every weekend, and of course, I read it almost everyday, even today I keep some of them, to save those moments of my childhood.  
Currently, I collect souvenirs from Chile and other countries, I do it because I love history, so I think that as more little pieces from the world you  learn, more wise you are, and souvenirs make you remember those places you visited some time in the past, and of course do not forget what you have learned from those places.
I am really good getting hobbies, but if you ask me, I would never have a hobbie related with bugs, or any other weird animal, because I hate those tiny things moving around there.
Probably in the future, I will collect something as a hobbie, probably related with bottles, because of the shapes they have, the colors, the materials; anyway it seems to be something interesting and unique  to collect.      

Friday, September 8, 2017

Our Amazing Human Body: Our Heart

Everyday, we have to live an awesome life, full of emotions and experiences, that together makes our own life history. Most of those feelings came directly from our dear brain. However, since old times, people has thought that all the feelings came, and are saved inside our heart, and from that viewpoint, the heart is a very interesting organ.
Computer generated animation of a beating human heart
The Heart
If we talk in serious words, the heart fulfils much more functions than be a little box where all a our feelings are saved and secured.First of all, as many people know, the heart is a little muscular organ, that is located behind the chest, with no more than 300 grams of weight and 12 centimetres in length. 
The main function of our heart is keep our blood circulating around our body, so in general, it works as a little engine. Inside blood, there are many different cells, that make our body be a "normal body", for example, red blood cells transport the oxygen every cell needs to fulfil its own function; white blood cells, protect our body from bad cells that could eventually take us to death. So as you can see, as a summary, our heart is like the central engine that make this giant company called Human Body, work with all its systems in a organised way.
Another important function, has a direct relation with the maintenance of the blood by transporting it right to the kidneys, where all the blood flow is cleaned.
This marvellous organ, may be affected by the malfunction of other areas from the body, for example, when people do not eat healthy food, the blood vessels are not able to transport blood with a normal flow, so that heart have to work harder to complete its whole function. 
What can you do to avoid problems with your heart? well, first of all you have to eat healthy food, and of course change bad habits at the time you are eating, for example avoid watching TV, because you do not realise how much food are you eating. Moreover, you may include some sport  around your own life, for example going to work on foot, or riding a bike.
So, to take care of your Heart, you just have to change bad habits and be proactive. On that way, you will be a healthier person, and will have a really good quality of life. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

My last Holiday

Last February, I decided to go on holiday with five friends to "Pucón", a town located in the "Región de la Araucanía". We decided to stay there for a week, with the main objective to have a good rest before getting back to University. Well, once we got there, the first thing we did, was make a schedule, so that we were able to enjoy every moment during each day we stayed there. 
Imagen relacionada
Pucón, Chile
The first activity we did, was something really important for us: have some food. So we went to a restaurant, where each of us had a big piece of pizza. There, there was also a "mini-golf", where we were able to have a really good time, and of course have a lot of fun.

Another day we decided to go to "Lake Caburga", where we could swim all afternoon, until we were so tired that, we just had time to sleep.
During most of days we went to the beach at Pucón, where we swam and sunbathe, so as you would think, we came back really dark-skinned to Santiago.
When the last day came, we decided to do something to remember that day for a long time, so we went to "Termas Trankura", where we were able to enjoy the warm water from the nature, and of course prepare ourselves to the long trip we were going to have to Santiago by bus.
Finally we went to an elegant Restaurant, to close the best holiday trip ever.     
Why I consider it was the best holiday?, Well,besides all the interesting activities we did during those days, I would say because I had a really good time with all my friends, and I think that is the most important thing.