Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Country I Would Like To Visit: Canada

Imagen relacionada
Toronto, Canada
If I had the chance to choose any place to visit, probably I would select a place similar to Chile, I mean, a place where the weather its not so warm and not so cold, where you have the possibility to visit interesting places, and of course a place with a good level of security. Having all these conditions, If I had the opportunity I would travel to Canada. Why choose Canada? Well, as its known, Canada its a wide country located in North America, near USA. Its a place where the weather its most of times really cold, because of the closeness with the Artic. In Canada, most of people speak english, and a few speak french. Something really important to know, before going to Canada, is related to what you can do once there. Most places to go, are National Parks, where you may enjoy and join the nature during some time and  learn about the different ecosystems that live inside those places. Another interesting topic about Canada is its old arquitecture crashing in a really good way, with the current one. About transport, in Canada, there is a giant line of trains running around  most of the important cities, furthermore, inside each city, there is a complicated system of trams, whose main objetive is transportation of people but also its a good way to improve the tourism.
Resultado de imagen para cataratas del niagara canada
The Niagara´s Falls
Resultado de imagen para canada trams
Tram System
If you ask me, I would live there because of the beautiful landscapes you are able to admire. Another important thing is the high security; you can walk quietly on the streets, without being with the worry about someone who could bother you, so you can have a lifestyle really good and in peace.
In the future, certainly I will go there.


  1. it´s would be great to live in a country what you consider a safe place to live. but, as you know every country have one part or zone where the bands or crews takes the zone (streets).

  2. I'm sorry, but the weather, here in Santiago almost, is like the garlic. By the way, go to a cold place where there's ice might be interesting.

  3. Canada beautiful country, but the weather is so cold. the niagara´s falls is a perfect place for to visit. best choice.

  4. Canada has beautiful landscapes, I agree. Hope you go there someday.

  5. I like the idea of go to some place with the weather similar to Chile, and Canada is a good place too, nice choice.

  6. Canada is a very advanced country, with more facilities to have trains, it must be very difficult to travel the country! Regards
