Tuesday, October 24, 2017


At this time of the year, everybody feels really tired, that´s why I would say we start thinking about what we are gonna do in summer holidays.
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Lately years, I have had the possibility of travel around different locations in Chile, but in general, I have been traveling around Valparaiso, Viña del mar, San Antonio, Rocas de Santo Domingo, Quinteros and Pichilemu. From all of them, if I have to make a choice, for this summer holidays, I certainly would choose Pichilemu.
Pichilemu, is a town of Chile, that is known as the "Surf Capital", becouse of its good beaches to surf. Also, it is a really good place to have a rest, because of the great silence you may find there. 

There is a place I love, it is called "Punta de Lobos", it is a kind of cliff, were you can see all the ocean around you, and of course, as it name tells, its the sea lions home, so if you are lucky, you will probably see one of them, 
Another place I would like to go is La Serena, because I have never been there, so I think it would be a very nice experience to know new locations, and open my world by doing that.
Imagen relacionada
"Punta de Lobos"
If you ask me, I think that during the year everyone is bussy, even your own family, and in mi opinion that sucks, so according to me I would like to go with my family, because those moments with them are uniqual, and we have to worry about that.     

Friday, October 13, 2017


Most of the people has had curiosity, at least once in life, and of course, the only way to fill that curiosity is by investigating and, in general, is by trying those things that make us feel that feeling.
In my case I consider I have no addictions, because I have no obsessions with anything. However when I hung out with my friends, sometimes we drink some alcoholic drinks, but I would say that doing that just for that occasion,should not be an addiction. 
Talking about abuse drugs, I just have one experience with marihuana with some friends, where I had the chance to try it, but as I thought,it was irrelevant to me, because it did not make any effect on me, so at the end, it was the only time I have had any experience with abuse drugs.
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Now, in my opinion abuse drugs should be used just for medicinal treatments, because in a correct dose, it may have good results for patients. In the case of people who uses it just "for fun", I would say that they are taking their life and putting it in the rubbish bin, because if we see advantages vs disadvantages,we will see that at the end you are just making your body a bad played, because maybe the effects will be seen in some years more.
When I was at school I had a friend that before trying drugs, was a really good student, hardworking, good athlete, but when he got to the road of drugs, everything on him changed, he began to have a bad attitude into teachers, his parents, got bad grades at school, and worst than that, He lost his own skill to say No to drugs; and as I lately heard, he still in the same condition. 
 Among legal drugs, I do not like the cigarette, because at home, my dad is a cigarette  smoker, so I hate the smell of cigarette. About alcohol, I like it, but just for an special occasion as new year´s, national holidays, or just when with some friends we get together, so in summary, I can handle the consumption of these legal drugs. 
As a conclusion, I think that anything used without a correct dose, may cause eventually death, not being important if it is legal or illegal; and there is the challenge:how we,as future professionals related to this area, may have the possibility to make conscious on people´s minds, and avoid situations that nowadays are happening, as we are writing this blog.

Friday, October 6, 2017


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I consider that the best graduate school program to me (once I got the degree of biochemistry), would be the "master's degree", because it allows me to improve everything I learned about my current career.

Inside this program, at University of Chile, there are many interesting subjets. From all of them I would be interested in environmental biochemistry and clinical biochemistry, because in the firstone I will be able to aply everything I know about chemistry into the world and better how to improve it for all the people, to get a better world. And in the second one, it seems interesting to me, working near the people in a hospital, but not having a whole contact with patients, so at the end I will finnish having a complete experience of the career from the laboratory to the world.

Another important thing is that I would like to take this "master degree" at Universidad de Chile or Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Why not abroad? Because I could not be far of my family, my friends, it would be very difficult for me.

Finally, I would like to take this program as a part time course, so I may be able to keep normal life, and do not stress myself by doing this. I don't like a distance-learning program, because I think you are not able to learn in a complete way, because for example, you can not make questions, and that little points make distance-learning a bad option, at least to me.


Well, as many of us, I would like to have a job, where I may be able to improve habilities, techniques, and of course get proffessional experience related with the career of Bioquemistry. My dream would be to work for some years on investigation about anything, maybe related with solutions for some illness the cancer. However, after some years working on that, I would like to work teaching more than investigating.
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In summary, I would like laboratory work (indoors), althoug I would like to spend some time working outside.Another important aspect, would be the salary, I imagine myself working because I like what I am doing, not just because of the money. Money is important, but it does not give you the happiness, the only way to be happy, is by doing stuff you like and want to do.Something I would like to do is to have the possibility to work in team, what is really difficult nowadays, but it allows you to improve your skills, and also most of times makes the work funnier and easier.At the moment I am very happy and calm about what I am studying (major in Bioquemistry), and in some years probably I will be taken a master´s degree, related to the development of solutions to some disease.